“You have to believe in something; I believe I'll have a beer.”

Our Slog (Ships Log) with a Satelite View

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Finally Free

Posted on Wednesday Feb 27, 2013

Photos (1)

Words (195)

This post contains a GPS location. Click here to see it on the map.

After two years in the marina we are back on the loose.  We did a lot of traveling, hiking, biking, and boat work during that time.  But we never felt the stress leave until we started sailing again, knowing that the dock was behind us.  Sure unlimited power, water and internet are nice, but they chain you down too.

We were both surprised at how quickly we fell back into our routines during our passage.  After only a few hours we were in the groove again.  The seas were really churned up from a week long blow up north making the trip a sloppy ride.  But the boat did great.  When you make as many changes as we have to all the systems on the boat we were worried what wouldn't work or what would break.  But it was a good test and everything went very well.

Now we are in the Puerto Vallarta Area (La Cruz) and naturally there are things we still need to cross off the list, but it feels like we are free.

Here's us at anchor...can you see Jordan peaking out?