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One big blur

Posted on Friday Oct 12, 2007

Words (155)

We finally received everything we needed to get the rudder back on the
boat. It took a lot of work and even more waiting for parts but, our boat
is officially a boat. I also received the parts to rebuild our wet
exhaust system and now in addition to being a sailboat we can also run our

There is one big catch though, the boat is still on land. The weather
turned really bad and looks bad for many days. We hope it calms down
around the 25th when the tides will be right for putting the boat back in
the water. Right now it doesn't look good at all.

Instead of thinking about the weather, we've been working in between rain
squalls every day, all day. Everything has blurred together and I hardly
even know what day it is anymore. We are almost at the point of putting
the bottom paint on the boat! Oh to be able to sail again!