Our Slog (Ships Log) with a Satelite View
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Eric & Sherrell
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Posted on Friday Jul 20, 2007
Photos (3)
Words (117)
While we're adjusting to live in our little rented house (with the white bars in front) Other animals are adjusting to us being here. We've had land-crabs wander in, other cats, geckos, monster sized moths, huge spiders and even a chicken came to see us.
Somethings haven't changed much, the cats still sleep a lot (when they're not chasing crabs, cats, geckos, moths, spiders or chickens).
I've been struggling to find the parts and supplies I need to work on the boat and I'm starting go a little batty. At least the slow paced life here won't stress us out. The traffic in front of our house can be a little slow, but it moseys on by....